- 双语例句
Michel : Definitely not, it is only rumour. We will not give up fibre optics business.
绝对没有, 那只是一个谣言. 我们不会放弃光器件领域.
One transaction involved a Nevada mining company and the other a fibre optics maker.
Today fibre optics are used to obtain a clearer image of smaller objects.
Copper and fibre optics also combined in the central distributor.
Fibre optics: The studies of light that transmits through transparent fibrous materials.
纤维光学: 研究光线沿透明纤维材料传送的科学.
This is possible without further active intermediate distributors due to the features of fibre optics.
A real time surface roughness measurement system using fibre optics is described in this paper.
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